Chapter 10. Automatic failover with ltclusterd

Table of Contents

10.1. Using a witness server
10.1.1. Creating a witness server
10.2. Handling network splits with ltclusterd
10.3. Primary visibility consensus
10.4. Standby disconnection on failover
10.5. Failover validation
10.6. ltclusterd and cascading replication
10.7. Monitoring standby disconnections on the primary node
10.7.1. Standby disconnections monitoring process and criteria
10.7.2. Standby disconnections monitoring process example
10.7.3. Standby disconnections monitoring caveats
10.7.4. Standby disconnections monitoring process configuration
10.7.5. Standby disconnections monitoring process event notifications

ltclusterd is a management and monitoring daemon which runs on each node in a replication cluster. It can automate actions such as failover and updating standbys to follow the new primary, as well as providing monitoring information about the state of each standby.